Monday, May 24, 2010


Here is the TAC-girl flowchart:

Mood board!!!

This is the Web Design 1 TAC-girl Mood board:

Monday, May 17, 2010

The 3 IDEAS!!!

1. How to tackle a GIRL?

i) Who am I - Author

ii)Who is she - She might be your girl friend

iii)What for - To end a single life

iv)1st task - Improve your communication skill such as the way you speak

v)2nd task - Build up your confidence and enhance yourself

vi)3rd task - Equip yourself and approach the girls

vii)Outcome - Both of you will be a couple if success

viii)Showcase - Gallery (snapshot with girls) / Facebook page / forum with the discussion on the
way to tackle a girl

2. How to tie a NECKTIE?

i)Who am I - Author

ii)What is it - A necktie

iii)What for - To cover the buttons of a button down shirt and to add some flare to your outfit

iv)1st task - Get to know the type of the necktie and the appropriate situation that in use

v)2nd task - Choose the knot of the necktie you would like to learn such as windsor knot, half windsor knot and etc

vi)3rd task - Follow the steps to tie a necktie that you had choose

vii)Outcome - Can enhance the tidyness and fashioness of a person

3. How to play BASKETBALL?

i)Who am I - A basketball player

ii)What is it - The method of playing basketball

iii)What for - To have a healthier life or be a professional basketball player

iv)1st task - Get to know the basic rules and knowing some keywords such as shoot, defense, offense and etc

v)2nd task - Learn how to shoot, how to defense, how to rebound and so on

vi)3rd task - More advanced skill to be learned

vii)Outcome - Can build up a strong physical body and also the spirit of teamwork

viii)Showcase - Gallery?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tutorial for Web Design 1!

These are the tutorials that i found out which are considered is new to me, have a look on it!


If you feel this is too little for you, you also can visit the website that i often went which is listed down below (The place that i visit). All the link are the useful tutorial on photoshop(mostly) and some illustrator tutorial. Feel free to visit them.=)

Screenshot for CSS website!

Below are the screenshot for CSS website, have a look on it!

Simple and neat..loading speed also not bad..the info quite organized..:)

This is a portfolio website with some flash decoration add-on(if i'm not mistaken..>.<)..simple and nice..:)

This is a photo gallery website..i very admire the photographer very much bcoz of the incredible photo that he took..(i wondered when can i reach his standard..@.@)

This is a personal blog website and i like its content becoz it is interesting and inspired me in some direction.^.^