Saturday, October 10, 2009

User Feedback

Well...i have just finish my icon design for the assignment...err...actually i'm not satisfied with the outcome because certain reason la (can't tell you >.<) the way...i need your comment after look at my icons...i hope you all will give me some feedback about my icons in the shout box(good or bad also never mind as long as it is helpful) or answer the few questions that i listed below:

*Click the picture for larger view
Here is the question:

1) What is your first feeling when you look at my icons? (just say...really...)

2) Does the function of each icon clear enough?

3) Is my color scheme part well organize?

4) Can you recognize the theme of my icons?
A. Flower Eater
B. Horror Creature
C. Cutie Flower
D. Others: .......

5) Can you say out what each icon represent?
A. Home
B. Setting
C. Internet
D. Camera devices
E. Contact

6) If you can rate the icons, what is the rating you will give for?
A. 5 stars
B. 4 stars
C. 3 stars
D. 2 stars and below

7) How about the finishing of all icons?
A. Neat
B. I'm ok with it
C. Rough
D. Too messy

8) What you think of the design of the icons?
A. Awesome
B. Superb
C. Common
D. Below average
E. I think you need to re-study the whole design

9) What else you think can be improve or change?

The answer you can write down on Microsoft Words or note pad (remember write your name)and email me ( or send to me on msn (if i m online)...


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